How to Apply for Retirement in Brazil


[WARNING: This article is about how to aplly for retirement in Brazil. If you are not Brazilian, read this article first.]

Applying for retirement is a crucial step in every worker’s life, and many people risk starting the procedure on their own, since that is possible in Brazil, but the truth is that this lack of preparation can literally cost a lot.

Therefore, what’s more important than applying for retirement is what happens beforehand: analyzing the process before the application, to carry out the procedure in the most ADVANTAGEOUS way.

Understanding the Complexity of the Analysis (Pre-retirement):

As we mentioned, applying for retirement involves a thorough analysis of several factors, including contribution time, age, type of retirement and current social security legislation.

Therefore, if the worker simply goes to the INSS and applies for retirement, there is a huge chance that they will be choosing the worst retirement option.

This is due to various factors:

  • Contribution time that is not included in the INSS system;
  • Lack of knowledge about the retirement rules;
  • Ignorance about periods of special activity;
  • Among others.

Therefore, to choose the best pension, it is essential to understand the different types, such as age, contribution time and disability, and how each one affects the value of the benefit.

But I’ll tell you straight away: understanding all this is not easy.

To acquire and maintain this knowledge, lawyers in the social security area do 5 years of university, deal with practical retirement cases daily, and do specializations, as well as endless study of social security law.

In addition, pension offices have specific calculators, which charge a monthly fee for use, and which carry out precise calculations, precisely to ensure that the client chooses the best possible pension.

The Best Option: Carrying out Pension Planning – Apply for Retirement in Brazil

Therefore, considering the complexity explained above, it is essential to carry out detailed pension planning before applying for retirement.

In fact, pension planning will always be carried out by a lawyer who specializes in this area. She will have access to all your contribution information and will analyze it using complex calculations:

  • Length of contribution;
  • Which jobs in your portfolio are actually in the INSS system;
  • Which jobs have not had contributions collected, and the possibility of rectifying this;
  • The possibility of counting special periods, such as military service time.
  • Which transition rules the job falls under and can opt for,
  • And so, with this information, it will analyze strategies to maximize the value of the benefit and provide a complete report of all the retirement options available, with the approximate amount to be received, and what should be done to achieve that retirement.

This document, whether digital or physical, can be used both by the lawyer who drafted it to apply for retirement and as a guide for another lawyer from another firm.

Conclusion – Apply for Retirement in Brazil

Applying for retirement is a complex process that requires careful analysis and advance planning.

By understanding the requirements and necessary steps, as well as the importance of proper pension planning, you will be better prepared to guarantee a smooth and secure retirement.

Do you wish to receive assistance from a lawyer for this matter?

Rely on the help of specialized lawyers to assist you with this matter, fill out the form and we will soon get in touch with you.


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Advogada Daiane sentada em uma poltrona, se encontra sorrindo com seu braço esquerdo sobre o ombro direito e pernas cruzadas.

Daiane Tomé Furlanetto

Sócia-Advogada. Possui 7 anos de experiência na prática jurídica e é membro da comissão de direito dos Idosos da Subseção da OAB de Criciúma/SC

Advogada Beatriz Meller Garcia, com cabelos de médio comprimento, se encontra sorrindo, sentada em uma poltrona, vestindo uma blusa com um blaser branco por cima.

Beatriz Meller Garcia

Sócia-Advogada. Possui 7 anos de experiência na prática jurídica e é membro da comissão de direito dos Idosos da Subseção da OAB de Criciúma/SC

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